0208 554 5412 0208 455 4774 info@londonhealthyfeet.com

Podiatry & Chiropody

Member of:-


Your feet contain 25% of the bones in your body.

They also have
66 joints, 38 muscles and tendons and 214 ligaments.

Most feet walk about 70,000 miles in a lifetime

4 times around the earth.

No wonder Leonado da Vinci called the foot
'a masterpiece of engineering'.

Shouldn't we look after them ?

copyright © 2006-2025 Lee G. Raphael Podiatrists | Foot Health treatment Chiropodists of North East London and East London Clinics Essex E4 E7 E10 E11 E17 E18 Ilford Essex IG1 IG2 North West London Clinic Hampstead Garden Suburb NW11 N2 N10 NW3 UK England |
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